
### 营养成分:

1. **蛋白质**:猪排富含优质蛋白质,是身体修复和生长的重要成分。
2. **脂肪**:猪排含有一定量的脂肪,其中饱和脂肪酸和单不饱和脂肪酸的比例较高。
3. **维生素B群**:包括维生素B1、B2、B3、B6、B12等,这些维生素对于能量代谢和神经系统健康至关重要。
4. **矿物质**:如铁、锌、磷、硒等,这些矿物质对于维持身体各项功能有重要作用。
5. **欧米伽-3脂肪酸**:猪排中含有一定量的欧米伽-3脂肪酸,有助于心脏健康。

### 益处:

1. **提供能量**:猪排中的蛋白质和脂肪可以为身体提供能量,特别是对于需要高能量摄入的人群,如运动员或体力劳动者。
2. **促进肌肉生长**:高质量的蛋白质有助于肌肉生长和修复。
3. **提高免疫力**:维生素B群和矿物质对于免疫系统健康至关重要。
4. **维护心血管健康**:适量的欧米伽-3脂肪酸有助于降低心血管疾病的风险。
5. **促进大脑健康**:欧米伽-3脂肪酸对于大脑健康也有益。

### 注意事项:


1. **脂肪含量**:猪排中的脂肪含量较高,过多摄入可能导致肥胖和心血管疾病,建议适量食用。
2. **烹饪方式**:尽量采用低脂肪的烹饪方式,如烤、蒸或煮,以减少油脂的摄入。




1. **养心安神**:猪心富含蛋白质、脂肪、矿物质和维生素,具有补血、养心的作用。西洋参则是一种滋补强身的药材,具有安神、镇静的功效。两者结合炖煮,对于心神不宁、失眠多梦等症状有很好的改善作用。


2. **增强免疫力**:西洋参富含多种氨基酸和微量元素,可以增强机体免疫力,提高抗病能力。

3. **调节血糖**:西洋参具有降低血糖的作用,适合糖尿病患者食用,同时对于调节血糖平衡也有一定帮助。

4. **保护血管**:猪心中的营养成分有助于维护血管健康,减少心血管疾病的风险。


5. **滋阴降火**:西洋参具有滋阴降火的功效,对于阴虚火旺、口干舌燥等症状有缓解作用。

6. **改善消化功能**:猪心含有丰富的B族维生素,有助于促进消化吸收,改善食欲。

7. **补血养颜**:猪心富含铁质,对于补血养颜、改善肤色有积极作用。



### 营养价值:

1. **蛋白质**:猪尾骨中含有丰富的蛋白质,对于增强肌肉、修复组织等都有很好的作用。

2. **钙质**:猪尾骨含有较高的钙质,有助于骨骼健康,预防骨质疏松。

3. **磷**:磷是构成骨骼和牙齿的重要成分,有助于维持骨骼和牙齿的正常生长和修复。

4. **胶原蛋白**:猪尾骨中的胶原蛋白含量较高,有助于皮肤健康,提高皮肤弹性和光泽。

5. **矿物质**:猪尾骨还含有钾、钠、镁等矿物质,有助于维持体内电解质平衡。


6. **脂肪**:猪尾骨中的脂肪含量相对较高,适量食用可以提供能量。

### 益处:

1. **促进骨骼健康**:猪尾骨中的钙质和胶原蛋白有助于增强骨骼密度,预防骨质疏松。

2. **增强免疫力**:猪尾骨中的蛋白质和矿物质有助于增强免疫力,提高身体抵抗力。

3. **美容养颜**:猪尾骨中的胶原蛋白有助于改善皮肤状况,使皮肤更加光滑细腻。

4. **缓解疲劳**:适量食用猪尾骨可以补充能量,缓解疲劳。

5. **调节内分泌**:猪尾骨中的矿物质有助于调节内分泌,改善身体机能。

### 注意事项:

1. **适量食用**:虽然猪尾骨营养丰富,但脂肪含量较高,过量食用可能导致肥胖。

2. **消化问题**:对于消化系统较弱的人群,食用猪尾骨可能会引起消化不良。

3. **过敏体质**:部分人可能对猪尾骨中的蛋白质或脂肪过敏,应谨慎食用。



### 营养价值


1. **蛋白质**:猪大肠含有丰富的蛋白质,是人体合成组织的重要原料。
2. **脂肪**:含有一定量的脂肪,提供能量。
3. **维生素**:含有维生素B群,尤其是维生素B2(核黄素)和维生素B12。
4. **矿物质**:含有铁、锌、磷等矿物质,有助于身体代谢和免疫系统功能。
5. **膳食纤维**:虽然不是大量提供,但仍含有一定量的膳食纤维。

### 益处


1. **促进消化**:猪大肠富含的膳食纤维可以促进肠道蠕动,有助于消化。
2. **补血**:猪大肠中的铁质有助于补血,适合贫血患者食用。
3. **增强免疫力**:维生素B群和矿物质有助于提高身体免疫力。
4. **保护心血管**:适量食用猪大肠,可以降低心血管疾病的风险。
5. **养颜美容**:猪大肠富含的蛋白质和胶原蛋白有助于皮肤健康。

### 注意事项

1. **适量食用**:虽然猪大肠营养丰富,但过量食用可能导致消化不良。
2. **清洗**:猪大肠在烹饪前需彻底清洗干净,去除异味和杂质。
3. **体质不适者**:对于肠胃功能较弱或对动物内脏过敏的人群,应谨慎食用。



1. **蛋白质**:狗肝中含有丰富的蛋白质,对于补充人体所需的氨基酸有很好的作用。每100克狗肝中大约含有20克左右的蛋白质。


2. **维生素A**:狗肝中的维生素A含量非常高,远远超过奶、蛋、肉、鱼等食品。维生素A对于维持正常的生长和生殖机能、保护视力、防止眼睛干涩和疲劳等方面都有重要作用。

3. **维生素B群**:狗肝中含有维生素B1、B2和B12等,这些维生素对于维持神经系统健康、促进新陈代谢、增强免疫能力等方面都有益。

4. **矿物质**:狗肝含有丰富的铁、锌、硒等矿物质,铁质可以帮助补血,锌对于免疫系统、细胞分裂和伤口愈合都有重要作用,硒则是一种强效的抗氧化剂。

5. **胆固醇**:和所有动物肝脏一样,狗肝含有较高的胆固醇。因此,对于高胆固醇血症、肝病、高血压和冠心病患者来说,应适量食用。


– **食用量**:一般建议每次食用50克左右。
– **清洗**:购买后,应将狗肝放在自来水龙头下冲洗10分钟,然后在水中浸泡30分钟,以去除可能存在的毒素。
– **烹饪**:烹饪时间不宜过短,至少应在急火中炒5分钟以上,以确保肝完全变成灰褐色,看不到血丝。


– **搭配**:与菠菜等绿叶蔬菜一起食用,可以更好地补充铁质,有助于补血。
– **禁忌**:高胆固醇血症、肝病、高血压和冠心病患者应少食或避免食用。


It is hard to hide the earth-shattering energy fluctuation caused by cannon light after several filters in the wave frequency. These sounds directly penetrate into the mind, and even if you cover your ears, you can hear flames and flames everywhere. The shell of the gate has become pitted by the star wave.

At the moment, the method of blood reward moves the ancient elf sacrifice tower attack, which is not a senior elite star cruise ship. It can withstand the heavy damage caused by the power light to the blood reward, and it is very likely that it will be completely disintegrated if it takes a few more shots.
At this juncture, the Phantom of the Opera released a white light cluster. Strangely speaking, the white light cluster wrapped the blood reward number in a gentle fall, and a wisp of fluctuation drove the hull directly into the gate.
"Rosa elder sister Roderick, go into the gate and open the gate. Believe me," Lin momo’s spiritual will penetrates layers of obstacles and directly appears in Bai Rosa and Roderick’s mind. How urgent it is to see the situation.
"Roderick believes momo is faster."
"Okay, I’m coming."
The original situation was not very good when the yellow ship escaped from the Elves’ demigods, and the satellite gate supported it until now, so it can be said that the Zeus ship was not much better. It was Roderick who broke out the ship’s lighter every time, which led to the reduction of operational energy and greatly affected the defense. At this time, what energy shield and defense matrix Zeus firmly resisted by its hull had already collapsed, which was the last breath.
Zeus and the netherworld retreated, and they were just connected. Plus, there were nine star cruises boarding the gate. At the same time, Lin momo took cover. Zeus and the netherworld retreated, and the spirit merged and dashed forward with a faint purple luster to kill the Emperor. No matter how strong this speed is, the wise can’t evaluate it.
Thanks to the sudden appearance of the Blood Reward, the sneak attack on the Emperor made the offensive of the sixteen turrets slightly loose, otherwise Lin momo dared not let Zeus and the Yellow Earth retreat at will.
Once the gate is under fire, it will be completely destroyed in a few seconds, and it will be a bubble. It is said that Lilith chose the right time to shoot.
The elf king was surprised by Lilith’s keen judgment. Not every captain of a star cruise ship can have this quality. It requires talent.
Eye Lin momo has planned to go to the stern of the Phantom of the Dead, and ten wings will fall off backwards due to the rapid vibration method.
However, everything can’t stop Marta from hitting the horn. The turret of Emperor was just about to adjust its strength for covering bombardment. Suddenly, the Golden Palace shivered and the elf sacrifice tower started to run wildly.
"Boh boh …"
Golden smoke haze from the emperor, spinning out and constantly washing away has rushed to the near phantom of the opera, a figure suddenly appeared at the top of the tower, cold hum a way "bold king let you know"
Sixteen suspended turrets are unfathomable. The ancient elves sacrificed the attack power of the Tower Emperor. At the same time, Lin Sisuo, the hull of the Phantom of the Opera, felt a splitting headache, but the Phantom of the Opera still impacted.
Volume 1 Momo! Youth Tour Chapter 137 Disaster
The Phantom of the Shadow has been rolled back and returned to the Emperor. The attack power is really terrible. Actually, the Phantom of the Star Cruises, a demigod, was abruptly bombed back. Lin momo and the incarnate son’s mind were hit hard, and the sinking blade was attacked by the ancient elf sacrifice tower. It is not easy to restore the body surface and some slight cracks appeared.
"Poof …" Lin momo spit out one mouthful blood incarnate son virtual form has also been shattered.
The collision was too violent. The Phantom of the Opera was almost broken. The Emperor looked unchanged, but it also hit the hull through the energy shield. All the crew members who failed to reach the peerless level vomited blood. The Elf King Sacrifice Tower retreated several steps and looked slightly pale.
"Bastard want to crash and burn? Do you have this qualification? " Elf king raised his arms to fuel the sacrificial tower, and the golden light spewed out, mixed with thick dragons, and rushed at the Phantom of the Opera.
"Click click …"
Lin momo and the incarnate son put a lot of effort into building the hull. This blow formed dents, and the original beautiful hull became ugly. Most of the crew had fainted, and no one knew the fate.
In addition to Harley, the Phantom Battalion can barely support his crew, but then again, in the face of the semi-god peak of the Emperor, the Phantom Battalion is in such a bad state that the roots of the battery can’t play their due role and Lin momo dare not let the mobile turret out. Doing that is tantamount to death
"I fuck you, Elves, ten generations of ancestors, Tyrannosaurus killed me and bombarded me." Harley had several injections in his red eyes and neck, and he was able to support these injections until now.
"Hum hum …" All the light cannons in the battery area tilted to a focus, and then the light cannons hummed.
Harley tried his best at this time, and he was able to play a little role in killing Tyrannosaurus rex, but Harley didn’t reach such a high level, but at this time he didn’t care so much to be hard.
From the battery area of Phantom of the Opera, a cloud of light spewed out, and then this cloud of light rushed forward. Surprisingly, this cloud of light remained in its original position, but it had already touched the Emperor.
"Boom …"
It’s not that the Huanghao gunner didn’t want to intercept Harley’s attack, but that the cannon light went straight ahead without any surprises. However, anyone who dared to intercept the cannon light was swallowed up. It’s very strange to see the situation that the cannon light power expanded by three points.
After this overbearing and bizarre shot, Harley slowly closed his eyes. He had tried his best to kill Tyrannosaurus rex, which was beyond his tolerance. Too much mental damage was expanding little by little, just like breaking porcelain bottles.
After that, Harley’s usually simple and honest personality will definitely hinder, but it is hard to say whether the wise personality will recover.
"Boom …" The killing of Tyrannosaurus didn’t end. At that moment, the rear cannon light body just launched a virtual like an unimaginable magic. The cannon light gathered into a light group and bit the emperor in an instant.
Phantom of the opera, hit the emperor, that’s not for nothing. Lin momo gave his life. Phantom of the opera, ten wings of the stern fell off, and the energy shield of the emperor was not affected. Harley’s shot was tantamount to crushing the camel’s last straw, and the energy shield of the Emperor was broken, and the little golden light disappeared.
Roaring vaguely, the ancient elf sacrifice tower was just hit by cannon light, and the elf king urged the tower to release golden light to resist the accumulation of the Emperor for many years. The deep foundation was actually made by the Phantom of the Opera, and the elf king felt that there was no place to rest assured, so he couldn’t help but be angry. He raised his hand to urge him to issue a killer weapon.
"Ka …" The lingering sound of the Emperor gave a slight quiver, and the tip of the Elf Sacrifice Tower released a beam of golden light to the Phantom of the Opera.
This golden light may be a magnetic field, energy or shooting phenomenon, no matter how it is nurtured and generated, its power is so great that it immediately broke the bow of the Phantom of the Opera, and Marta hit the corner and broke two-thirds.
Phantom of the Opera is very bad, very bad. The golden light of those armor plates engraved with complex insect patterns and constant wave mother patterns actually bursts out piece by piece, as if a big hand lifted tiles and cracked the defense so quickly.
The golden light has a great impact. The Phantom of the Opera is going backwards quickly. After a while, the Phantom of the Opera is very close to the stargate. It’s very vicious. Don’t you want to guard the stargate with Momo Lin? I just want the Phantom of the Opera to blow up the stargate and let all the star cruises in the stargate deliver it.
Lin momo is in such pain that she is no longer qualified for coma. The charm has never responded that the damage is beyond imagination. Facing the Elf King, she keeps forcing him to burn his potential to support him.
Phantom of the Opera is disintegrating. This is the real disintegration. The devil’s star propeller generates great power to try to resist the Elf King. However, if it shines on Phantom of the Opera, the golden light is so abnormal that it can’t escape the muzzle.
"Don’t let the King of Elves succeed." Sha Zhanyun resolutely rushed to the Feiyu before sailing, releasing double energy and rushing straight to the Emperor. It seems that the move of "encircling Wei to save Zhao" is like a moth to a fire.
"Hum, I’m here to die, so I can become you." The elf king is located in the light and shadow of the sacrificial tower, and he can kill the Feiyu with a single thought.
Just now, all the changes happened too fast. The sixteen turrets of the Emperor did not respond. The eye was ordered by the Elven King to attack the Feiyu immediately. The energy shield has already collapsed. Where can it afford such a violent attack?
Sha Zhanyun died. She saw that the Phantom of the Opera was brutally hit. Mar, it hit the corner and was broken. Suddenly, the spirit was on the verge of collapse. Since her father Sha Jinwei was killed, the Phantom of the Opera has been her spiritual pillar. She can feel the special safety in the fleet of the Tenchu.
But the Phantom of the Opera is about to die. Will it be painful to lose its spiritual pillar again? No, Sha Zhanyun absolutely won’t allow this kind of thing to happen. Although Fei Yu is so weak in front of the Emperor, although she knows that her heart is not strong enough, she has something to protect that is worth protecting with her life.
"Momo, I’m sorry to take risks with you, but I’m glad the Phantom of the Opera is the Tenchu fleet. I hope it’s human. I hope I can’t let the Elf King continue to hurt you."
Feiyu rushed very fast, but there was a ship that rushed faster than her. Now there are only three star cruise ships left to intercept the Emperor. The Black Rose blocked Feiyu and took over the anger of the Elf King.
"Silly girl, it’s not your turn to protect me. Will Lian, a self-proclaimed hero, let a woman rush ahead?"
"Even the eldest brother …"
Sha Zhanyun burst into tears. The whole hull of the Black Rose helped Feiyu block the attack. The impact force of Feiyu was not weak. This impact force also caused damage to the Black Rose.
"Don’t be afraid, don’t cry. The crew and I agreed that they would support the boss to pick up girls. Hehe, the hero can always impress girls. I am not young, but I still have to worry about it!" Even smiled and said with emotion
At the same time, the Black Rose fire moving turret was also released to attack instead of Feiyu and Phantom of the Opera to meet the Emperor.
Phantom of the Opera propeller moved to hold the hull battery area, and once again the fire broke out, and nearly 100 armor-piercing shells vented out. Odin is no stranger to gunner’s basic exercises, even if Phantom of the Opera has one person left, he will continue to fight.

At this time, Yuzhu also paid special attention to the medicine and came back. They didn’t say anything about it in front of him

After a while, Ding Qiunan came running, too. She didn’t know what to say, but now that she knew that she wouldn’t come and see it, it would be a bit unreasonable.
When the time came, Li Chu took the needle to the old lady and had a leg. "Hey, Xiao Chu, I feel more comfortable after the needle."
"That must be the old lady. Otherwise, why would I bother to learn it?" He didn’t feel ashamed to say this. Just learn a fart and sleep.
A few people talked again, and the old lady was leaving. She thought they were disturbing Li Chu and his two workers here.
When Li Chu and Ding Qiunan sent them out of the hospital gate and walked back together, Ding Qiunan said, "Li Chu just called me sister-in-law when Yuzhu went to get medicine. Is he younger than you?"
"Yes, he should be one or two years younger than me."
"I always thought he was older than you. He looked like he was thirty years old."
"Ha ha" Li Chu was teased by his daughter-in-law. "He may be in a hurry. That guy has a hard mouth and never calls me brother. You see how sweet Xu Damao’s mouth is, and everyone is long and short."
"Hey? Speaking of Xu Damao, I remembered that his daughter-in-law was going to have a baby soon.
After listening to Li Chu, Ding Qiunan silently calculated one.
She remembered that it was the day after she gave birth. When Lou Xiaoe went to see her, she said that she had just found out that she was pregnant, so the date should have arrived.
"Li Chu, let’s go to the compound after lunch."
"Okay, hold the baby. The old lady just gave the baby two red envelopes and just held them for the old lady to see the baby."
Said Li Chu took out a red envelope and handed it to Ding Qiunan. "Give it to you."
Ding Qiunan helps him get the salary of the Ministry every month here in the hospital, and the money he gets himself is the family expenses.
Now he doesn’t know how much money Ding Qiunan has saved, and he has never asked, but he has saved a lot of money. At one time, he signed in for half a year and spent 100 yuan every day. He didn’t know what to do with so much money, although this gave people a feeling of Versailles.
But that’s the problem, not to mention that you need tickets to buy things now. You just take the money to the bank and the bank will call the police when you see it.
After returning to the consulting room separately from Ding Qiunan, nurse Wang didn’t know where to go. Li Chu decided that it was okay now anyway, so let’s just sort out the things in the warehouse. He hadn’t seen the warehouse for such a long time and didn’t know what was in it.
It didn’t take long to sort it out, because everything he checked in was in several boxes except money and cans, but it was the things in these boxes that made him nervous
Li Chu took his mind back from the warehouse, opened his mouth and took a few deep breaths, then took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his head and sweat.
He has not smoked for more than two years, and he suddenly wants to smoke.
Got up and went to the consulting room next door and asked for a cigarette and a pack of matches from Dr. Luo
Squatting at the door of the consulting room, Li Chu lit the cigarette and smoked it. The first bite made him cough for a long time, and he threw it away and stopped smoking.
After returning the matches to Dr. Luo, Li Chu went to the faucet in the courtyard to wash his face and took a few deep breaths continuously, which slowly stabilized his heart.
Just now, he was really worried that his heart would jump out of his throat.
Going back to the consulting room and sitting behind his desk, Li Chu decided to take a closer look at the contents of those boxes.
He closed his eyes slightly and leaned back into the warehouse, carefully opening a box.
He estimated the size of the box, which is about two meters long, one meter high and one meter high. It feels like a coffin, and it is full of paper materials.
Paper is mimeographed, but the font doesn’t look like handwriting.
The top piece of paper reads the design plan drawing of fighter plane-type sleeve
Seeing this, Li Chu’s heart is beating violently again. What is this about? How did Tong give him this thing? Why don’t you give me something medical? Even western medicine can do it
Those medical instruments, medical examination instruments, these things, don’t they smell good? Why should I give him such information?
Li Chu shook his head and probably looked through all of them. He couldn’t understand a drawing, which was a prototype after forming. He saw it later as a military column.
He remembered the plane collision incident in later generations as if our national hero was flying this kind of plane.
Cover the box cover. He opened another box. This box is relatively small. After opening it, it also contains paper materials. On the first page, it says the aircraft gun system.
Alas, he didn’t look over the face again, but just closed the lid and opened another one.
The third open box contains the mechanical radar system.
Call Li Chu to open his eyes. There are still a few boxes that haven’t been opened. He doesn’t want to look at them. It is estimated that there is information on this.
Chapter one hundred and forty-seven A headache
Li Chu has a headache. What should I do with this information?
First of all, although he can’t tell whether these materials are true or not, they should all be true, otherwise why give him a bunch of false materials?
In this data, the J-J is definitely more advanced than the fighters currently in service in our country.
Finally, there is no doubt that these materials should be handed in, but the question is how to hand them in.
Just take it and hand it over directly? It is wrong to die, but it is certain that no one can protect himself after losing personal freedom.
So what should I do? Li Chu is upset and wants to yell.
Suppress your emotions, force yourself not to think about these things, and start thinking about your daughter-in-law and yourself. It took a long time for those two lovely children to calm down slowly.
Li Chu shook a fist and finished reading it.
Then his mind once again entered the warehouse and began to see what was in several boxes.
The fourth box contains the information of aircraft missile system and ground missile system.
The fifth box is a relatively large box, which contains the design drawings of turbofan-1 (WS-1). What is this? He leafed through the engine information.

It is the first time that Pei Wende has been called "Buddha" for such a long time.

But Pei Wende finally knows what Zen will say about it and his fate.
In addition to his own practice, Pei Wende also has a Shinto incarnation named "Python God" and has gathered quite a lot of incense wishes.
Although Pei Wende doesn’t really intend to follow the divine path, those people he saved don’t know this.
The merits of saving the world and saving people, and the incense of the Buddha …
Pei Wende unconsciously had the potential to become a "living Buddha"
And this kind of potential is simply a lamp that lights up the bumpy road ahead for those who are interested in taking Shinto Zen.
Quietly hiding in a corner of the main house, Ping Ling looked at what was happening at the door and suddenly turned her eyes thoughtfully.
While Bi Xing, who was born together, had already been sent back to "sleep".
At the very least, Ping Yun is alone in this body control tonight.
"Master, is he really a Buddha?"
Smell speech also "ZhuangYuanLing" cover perfectly hide their whereabouts mouse two laughed.
"What do you think?"
"What do you think Buddha is?"
A left and a right two rat heads first asked 1 and then looked fierce and stared at each other.
"Buddha phase, everything is Buddha"
"Do you think he is a Buddha? He is a Buddha!"
Once again, I replied in one bite, and the two heads of the mouse gave almost the same answer.
"Then he is the Buddha!"
Accustomed to her master’s quarrel, Ping Ling stared at the door, and Pei Wende’s eyes flashed a ray of long-lost excitement and eagerness.
"He can definitely solve my problem!"
Seeing this situation, I was going to continue to quarrel with Rat Er, and suddenly I was stunned.
"Do you want to ask him for help?"
"Are you sure he will help you?"
Master Shu Er, who is in a flat state, knows his apprentice too well.
But it is also because I know myself so well that I feel that the other party’s ideas are simply whimsical.
Let alone whether Pei Wende has the ability to help Pingying or not, it is a huge problem to help Pingying.
It’s not very nice to say that once Pei Wende screws things up, the face bear and the water demon will definitely not let him go.
From this point of view, Mouse 2 thinks that any normal person will not agree to Ping Ming’s request.
"Why doesn’t he help me?"
On the other hand, Ping Ming seems to have no idea of the seriousness of the matter at all, but she is curious and asks the mouse a question.
"Shit, I forgot this …"
"You this guy root, there is no normal view of life and death …"
Quite nai looked at each other, and it was rare to reach a certain consensus at this moment.
"Anyway, you need to know that he can’t help you."
Even if he agrees to help you, your parents will certainly not agree.
Mouse 2 thinks he is one of those abnormal monsters, but Ping Ming is obviously better.
So in order to prevent the other party from coming up with anything, the moth was still very satisfied with her apprentice for the time being, and the mouse made a rare exhortation.
"Besides, don’t you think this state is quite good?"
"How many monsters can’t envy having a brother who can quarrel with you at any time?"

Christine watching is in the heart secretly funny Li Mengdie. Although the other party will still dismiss Zhao Li, the spirit of these soldiers has hit Zhao Li and Li Mengdie once. After finishing, they can react, but they can achieve this tacit understanding. Turning slightly only to see that even Kang Hongyuan is this expression, Christine’s heart is even more assured.

"Let’s arrange it one by one!" Zhao Li pulled Li Mengdie behind him and waved at the rebel brigadier general. He was very arrogant and said, "I’m in a hurry!"
Brigadier general almost staggered in a hurry? After waiting for them for five days in the hotel, you dare to be in a hurry after shrinking for five days?
"Get out of the front row!" Brigadier general also unequivocally directly sent out ten people in the front row "General Zhao, please choose your opponent one-on-one"
"Come one by one!" Zhao Li twisted his neck from side to side while the activist’s wrist hooked his hand at the first soldier.
Whoosh, the other person’s figure is extremely fast. Almost when Zhao Li points to him, he has already rushed to the distance. There are still two or three meters from Zhao Li, and people have already jumped into the middle, thinking hard about Zhao Li’s push with a foot of speed.
Such an attack is meaningless to Zhao Lilai. There is no way for people to change direction. There is no advantage except that Zhao Li is most afraid of it at the moment.
Zhao Li’s chest on one side of the body slightly let the other side’s foot and right hand hook directly. It has been lifted from the other side’s arm surface through the shoulder, and there is still a hand attack after it is tilted, but it is wrong to even attack the hand by this shoulder.
The special soldier’s body was still in the middle, but Zhao Li grabbed the clavicle arm with one hand and shook it in a small range. Those special soldiers suddenly fell to the ground when they saw Zhao Li’s shoulders move, and then put their hands over their shoulders as if they lost their fighting capacity. This shows that Zhao Ligen has no strength.
As a result, everyone on the rebel side accepted it, but the soldiers lying on the ground motioned for themselves to fight. The military doctors quickly checked before they found that the clavicle of the soldiers had been wrong in an incredible way, and even if they wanted to achieve this effect deliberately, several military doctors had no way.
No one but Zhao Li will think that this is Zhao Li’s strength, because Zhao Li has been sideways from beginning to end and then lifted his shoulder. It is impossible to do that.
Although he didn’t believe it, the second soldier was careful when he came out. No one would hope that he would be defeated. He was not careful. This time, he walked up to Zhao Li in a proper manner and saluted three or five meters before posing.
Since the other party salutes Zhao Li, it is natural to reciprocate, but the other party is waiting for this opportunity. It has been told that they should be allowed to do whatever it takes or not to hurt their lives. Since it is so, all is fair in war is also a tried and tested means. While Zhao Li salutes, the other party’s attack has been killed.
Zhao Li didn’t care about such an attack, but he raised his hand to salute. He didn’t stop moving, but his left hand suddenly stretched forward, seemingly slowly but quickly, and climbed the opponent’s wrist.
The arm shrank back slightly as if it had super elasticity, and then suddenly bounced out. The figure of the other party was firmly contained. The distance from one arm was not equal to the other party’s foot. Zhao Li’s left hand had wiped the other party’s arm and then directly reached the other party’s shoulder well.
Just as the scene was replayed, the other party felt a numbness in his arm, and then he felt an involuntary painful spasm, followed by a pain in his shoulder and a loss of ability to act with one hand, followed by Zhao Li’s hand pulling his opponent, and the whole person threw himself forward uncontrollably.
At the moment, Zhao Li’s right hand still maintained a salute posture until the other soldier threw himself down to Zhao Licai, who kept a salute for one second and then put his right hand heavily.
Chapter two hundred and ninety-six
Zhao Li move cleanly, you can’t see that unnatural breath is so simple, but it makes two murderous special soldiers relaxed, but it surprises the rebels.
If a soldier is injured or Zhao Li is lucky enough to stop his attack, but two people are injured in the same position in a row, everyone has to re-examine Zhao Li.
Judging from the information obtained so far, Zhao Li should maintain the seven-level level, so many special soldiers should have no problem dealing with him. Even if everyone is at the beginning of the level, there will be no big mistakes in dealing with a seven-level high-level Zhao Li, but the fact is not the case.
There are two possibilities, one is that the information is wrong, Zhao Li is no longer level 7, and the other is that Zhao Li may have some unique skills that can defeat the strong. Unfortunately, Zhao Li has both possibilities, but this is not something that rebel soldiers can predict.
The military doctors moved very quickly and the wounded were carried away quickly, so the injury was not fatal, but if the treatment was delayed, it would probably have serious consequences.
All the rebels are almost instantly treating Zhao Li with special respect or new views. Just twice, they are more cautious than Zhao Li explaining the third one a thousand times, and they will never dare to play some tricks again. Zhao Li was planning to put Zhao Lilai in front of the door to attack.
Caution can’t change the final outcome. Zhao Li stepped forward and rushed face to face. Just put down two people in the same place, giving people an illusion that Zhao Li’s hands were just light and soft, just knocking down his opponent, but this time it was different. Zhao Li rushed up and seemed to suddenly become a mountain tiger with a roar and swooped down on his opponent.
In the eyes of opponents, Zhao Li suddenly turned into a horrible armored collision car, but a simple collision brought about crazy momentum changes. I didn’t feel this way when I faced Zhao Ligen’s method.
The formidable opponent came with his hands on his chest and was bombarded by Zhao Li with one punch. The huge power directly bombarded the soldiers. The soldiers had fainted like kites flying far away and directly fell into the special soldiers lined up behind.
A few people went to catch a huge momentum, or a few off-guard soldiers almost rushed to the ground, but Zhao Li looked at the comatose soldier in situ and then quietly waited for the military medical rescue.
This time, it was an absolute head-on confrontation. There was no speculation, no tricks, and a clean punch caused such terrible consequences
Seeing that the military doctor had carried the soldier away, Zhao Li did not face the soldiers waiting in line again, but turned to the brigadier general. "General, you are still together!"
Brigadier general also didn’t expect Zhao Li to be so horrible. He didn’t move his hand. The genius school guard caused such an effect. He had already told him what he had done. He was not as surprised as those soldiers. When he heard Zhao Li’s request, Brigadier General froze for a moment and then nodded and waved at the soldiers not far from him. "Together!"
Seeing the sudden rush, Brigadier General Warrior suddenly paused. Suddenly he remembered that he would tell him that it was time to allow 20 people to deal with him at the same time, but now he is waiting in line with a gesture and more than 100 people are rushed.
The soldier who was about to stop drinking suddenly found that Zhao Li had rushed into the crowd. At this time, even if he wanted to stop drinking, he had already come. He couldn’t make a sign to the military doctor on his side to ask them to pay more attention to Zhao Li’s failure to make a big deal. He should not be held accountable.
With this in mind, Brigadier General felt relieved to look at Zhao Li’s suite, but suddenly he stayed for a while. It seems that no one in the whole visiting team showed a nervous look, as if Zhao Li was facing a group of ordinary people instead of a hundred special soldiers. This discovery made Brigadier General feel a little more speculation and couldn’t help but be a little surprised when he thought of talking in person. Is Zhao Crazy really so powerful?
Zhao Li has been excited. After a pair of dozens of enemies on the sub-marginal planet, there is no such opportunity for him to attack his opponents. Although he can’t kill these people by unarmed combat, he still finds the feeling of suppressing riots in prison.
Rushing into the crowd is to face the impact of dozens of people at the same time. This is Zhao Li’s way to deal with group fights. It is necessary to face several people around him at most, especially when fighting unarmed.
Agile Zhao Li let go of the rush. The first soldier was directly close to him. The opponent behind him suddenly appeared. Zhao Li asked his opponent to stay and wanted to start again. When Zhao Li’s hand appeared, his armpit appeared. Then he dragged his opponent backwards through the front momentum. Before Zhao Li came to another opponent, his hand was loose, but his opponent was lying on the ground clutching his shoulders. At the same time, Zhao Li’s other opponent fell to the ground faster.
In the struggle, Zhao Li played an amazing skill. In the crowd, Zhao Li seemed to be an excellent player who was slowly practicing Tai Ji Chuan. Every movement seemed to be slow and clear, which made people feel that there was no destructive power in that root.
However, being touched by his body by a special soldier doesn’t feel like this at all. Every close contact with Zhao Li will cause a soldier to lose his mobility. What’s even more unfortunate is that even the military doctors in the crowd can’t help before. There has been a military doctor who was put down by Zhao Li because he was too close to Zhao Li, so that all military doctors can save those who fell outside, but there is nothing they can do.
Brigadier general rebel looked at Zhao Li with a face of surprise. It was as easy as swimming flexibly in the crowd. Every time a soldier passed by, he would easily put his soldier down. At this time, he no longer thought about what he could do to Zhao Li, but worried that his soldiers would be hurt too badly.
Now Brigadier General Bai why would he talk to him like that? It turns out that they have long known that these special soldiers are by no means Zhao Li’s opponents. He doesn’t know what the judgment is based on. The only possibility is that the edge planet battlefield has obtained Zhao crazy data, but in that case, why would one of us be bullied by Zhao Li like this?
Brigadier General Zhao Li knows clearly the purpose of Zhao Li’s visit, but he knows clearly in his heart that Chen Yong is also busy. Failure to come forward can make people who don’t know the truth come forward to create conflicts and delay their meeting. This kind of thing can’t be done even if it is a diplomatic protest. After all, the two sides are still in a so-called state of peace, but no one dares to be explosive. At this time, once the rebels give reasons, they will lose more than they gain.
Zhao Li’s edge planet commanded soldiers to take the lives of less than 10 thousand rebel soldiers. For this reason, even if the rebel soldiers make things difficult for Zhao Liyou, the rebel high-level officials will attribute this kind of behavior to personal behavior. The hapless brigadier general is always ready to throw out scapegoats.
Zhao Lishen’s fidgety practice and the general’s order made Zhao Li also put his hands and feet. Anyway, these soldiers will not hold him responsible, just to test an elf planet’s understanding of fighting skills
With the figures falling on the ground one by one, Zhao Li’s confidence in his heart is getting stronger and stronger, and his manual work is becoming more firm and clear. People outside can see clearly, but they can’t know what it is. Several very close people didn’t feel particularly surprised to know Zhao Li’s martial arts characteristics, but his performance has made ten experts from the elf planet sigh.
This is completely different from their absolute strength, absolute speed, and a ten-speed drop. It is purely the most exquisite and advanced fighting skill. Maybe they didn’t reach the level 9 master, but many people studied hard, but no one was as light as Zhao Li.
Plus Zhao Li’s status, these experts have full confidence in Zhao Li, and they are likely to become protectors of their planet at such an age. It is not that these people don’t understand politics. On the contrary, they can’t trust those mature politicians because they know politics too well. There is no way to guarantee that those people will completely abandon them for a greater benefit.
When the last soldier was knocked down, Zhao Li finally stopped and looked around. He gently shook his head and waved to the military doctors, but he stepped carefully in front of the brigadier general.
"General, I am very happy. You can inform me that I have rested and asked to see your top leader." Zhao Li’s words would never have had such an effect a few days ago, but even the brigadier general can shake his head after putting down 100 people. "I will report to you and give you an answer soon."
Brigadier general replied that some soldiers who were proud of themselves were so easily put down by Zhao Li, but Zhao Lishen had some clothes that showed no signs of injury, and one pair of 100 was almost a complete victory, which felt very uncomfortable.
Zhao Li didn’t put this matter at ease, but the rebels were shocked. Even Chen Yong showed a surprised expression after receiving the report. "A pair of more than one hundred wins? That’s impossible! That little strength has not been able to deal with my 100-person special warrior ability with his bare hands. "Believe it or not, but after seeing the live video, I have to admit that Zhao Li and he have seen that sharp-edged Zhao Liyou are qualitatively different."
"Good. Has this little guy grown to this point?" Chen Yong was surprised but smiled. "She really deserves to see someone promising for such a short time." He said to himself, turning to his secret command, "Arrange to meet him tomorrow."
Zhao Li in the hotel has got the news that Chen Yongtian will meet Zhao Li in his office and is discussing with Kang Hongyuan.
"Are you going to strictly carry out the commander’s orders?" Kang Hongyuan seems to have learned the warden’s style, shaking a glass of extremely red wine in his hand, slowly looking at the color and wall reaction inside, and casually asking Zhao Li.
There was a glass of the same wine in front of Zhao Li, but he didn’t appreciate it as Kang Hongyuan did. He put it there and shook his head when he heard Kang Hongyuan’s question. "If he is not a master, maybe I will do it, but now that I know it, I don’t want to be the fuse to detonate the war between the two sides."
"Did it ever occur to you that the commander-in-chief may have ordered you to take the blame on purpose?" Kang Hongyuan took a sip of his mouth and slowly felt the taste of red wine after enjoying it.

"A good avatar is really a good avatar. I didn’t expect you ghosts to be not weak."

Sue should turn a blind eye to him and sweep around to see Xuanye. After the heavenly gate, the gods burst into the magic cloud and saw a statue of a fiend flying with flags. The vision soared, and the fiends, big and small, stood in different orders, which was simply a celestial group of gods coming to the world!
The number of millions of fiends is terrible. Although there are not many fiends with pure blood, this huge strength is enough to sweep all the gods. Even the king of God is afraid to avoid the edge in the face of this big scene!
"It’s really fascinating for Emperor Chengtian to master the world and come to the DPRK to return to the people."
Su Ying’s glance at the scene in front of him can’t help but give birth to a kind of lofty sentiments. As the Emperor of Heaven controls the avenue and overlooks all beings, all heroes in the sky are my subjects!
Xuanye waved too gently and suddenly heard a loud noise. When Su Ying suddenly closed the Tianmen behind him.
"Sue didn’t expect you to be the king of God. I just expected it. No, that’s why you took advantage!"
Xuanye was livid and giggled. "You were just beaten by our door when you entered Tianmen. Even if you have superhuman powers, you will have a dead end. You will be killed by me like a dog! Give me the holy land of ghosts and gods! "
He suddenly booed and heard a loud bang, and the number of palaces boomed, and a heavenly palace floated, and millions of fiends fell into their respective palaces.
This magnificent heavenly palace is not inferior to the palaces of the heavenly emperors, but it is amazing that the palaces overlap and build together into a vast legal imagination!
His strength is the original method to urge the emperor’s soldiers, especially the top emperor’s soldiers like Shenchao Emperor Palace. But at the moment, there are millions of fiends who jointly bless him, and his strength has soared, which can actually play more than 60% to 70% of this emperor’s power!
The power of this god towards the emperor’s palace is faintly more than that of Pangu Zan!
God shook the Emperor’s Palace with a bang, and suppression of the heavens’s huge power even the king of God dared not meet hard!
"I didn’t expect XuanGeng god king to have a soldier? Good things are really good things. It seems that the world has misunderstood Xuangeng, the king of God. I’m afraid he is not as weak as he said. "
Sue should look at the extraordinary splendour in the eyes of this imperial palace.
If we can grab this imperial palace and blend it into the 33-day ancient heavenly palace refined by Qing Di, then his imperial palace is definitely broader and more magnificent than the heavenly palace refined by Princess Liuguang, and it is even more earth!
Su Ying’s body was shocked to see the number of god lines spewing out all over the body, covering up so many god lines in the territory of the sanctuary, such a horrible vision, let alone Xuanye’s never seen it, even a million fiends have never seen it or even heard it!
"You have a million fiends and I have 33 days of blessing!"
Su Ying burst out laughing and saw several gods swarming into his body, and then emerged from behind him, turning the Taoist rhyme behind him into a world of thousands of worlds.
Su Yingxiu’s crazy skyrocketing realm has risen to the peak of the King of God, and his brain has risen a hundred times!
This is his background, but Su Ying means a 1.
"Yuan tire is immortal!"
"The Milky Way Seal in the Sky!"
"Afraid of opening the seal!"
Sue should lean out her big hand and slap each palm like a mountain of swire mountains, facing Xuanye too god to meet the emperor palace!
"XuanYe too you tianmen just to my liking! Even if I use the strongest means to kill all of you here, no one will see and know my true strength! "
The three great seals of God greeted the emperor’s palace and heard a loud bang. I don’t know how many palaces crashed and shattered, and all the fiends were killed on the spot. I don’t know how many fiends were hit, and one by one, the dumplings fell from it!
He killed tens of thousands of fiends with this blow!
Surging air billow four scroll impact quartet heard Mao a loud noise, but see Tianmen crashing vibration was almost swept away by the aftermath of this attack!
King Xuangeng worked so hard to build a shrine, which was almost destroyed by this blow. Most of the holy mountains and palaces were destroyed!
Su Ying’s whole body was full of qi and blood, and the tattoo flew behind him, laughing and waving his big hand again. "Xuanye Tai, if you don’t come alone, you can still live. You must have such great confidence. You know something about power!"
Xuanye’s eyes were so horrified that Su Yingjiang crossed to the point where he couldn’t imagine.
Although Su Ying is the king of God, he has the blessing of emperor soldiers and Xuangeng’s weather luck, but at the moment he is no match!
"It’s impossible for me to have an emperor. Even if you are the king of God, you can’t kill me!" Xuanye is too much to counter the blow, and I can’t help but vomit blood.
"I told you you know something about power!" Sue should sneer at a palm out again!
Bang, bang, bang!
A statue of fiend can’t bear such an attack, and the flesh bursts in succession!
"impossible!" Xuanye’s eyes are too wide and his face is incredible!
"How impossible! Give me death! "
Sue should sneer at your finger and point it towards Xuanye’s eyebrows!
Xuanye is tens of thousands of miles away from him. However, Su Ying is the king of gods, and his magical power has transcended the avenue of heaven and earth. Every move is natural. Xuanye wants to hide too much, but he can’t hide from it.
Now his heart finally reveals more terror than death.
This is the power of God!
Even if he is strong, even if he has an emperor, it won’t help before the king of God!
"Dare to hurt my son!" Just then a thunderous sound came from the virtual depths.
Click one to shatter Su Ying’s fingers, and then a middle-aged man in a royal robe suddenly appeared in front of Xuanye Tai and looked at Su Ying with a cold face.